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BatterySummit2023講演者紹介:株式会社ロボデックス 代表取締役社長 貝應 大介氏

貝應 大介氏

株式会社ロボデックス 代表取締役社長 


講演タイトル: 「水素でドローンは進化する」(仮)


プロフィール: 貝應  大介氏

        株式会社ロボデックス 代表取締役社長 




 2019年にはNEDO(New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization:国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構)の評議員に就任、ドローンのJIS化にも尽力。ハイブリッド化した産業用大型ドローンの開発、製造に特化するため2019年株式会社ロボデックスを設立、水素燃料電池ドローンでは日本で初の経産大臣特別認可及び航空局飛行許可を取得、水素燃料電池ドローンのパイオニアとなる。




Lecture title:「Drones evolve with hydrogen.」(tentative


Profile: RoboDEX Inc. President Daisuke Kaio


In 2014, he established a drone manufacturer, and since then he has obtained 6 patents and has applied for other 16 patents related to drones and robots. 

Also he did a lot of activities related to drones, including publishing papers at aerospace-related academic societies. and opening many drone operation schools nationwide.

In 2019, he became a councilor of NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization), and was also committed to industrial standardization of drones. 

In the same year, he established RoboDEX Inc. that specializes in the development and manufacture of hybrid industrial drones.

RoboDEX,Inc is a pioneer of hydrogen fuel cell drones in Japan, as the first company formally approved by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and permitted by the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau for its drone flight.

In recent years, he has also been actively involved in writing and collaborating with educational institutions.



BatterySummit2023 at Hilton TOKYO


 English website

